At Clustered Networks we assist companies in moving their services into the Cloud. We have been in business for over 20 years offering exceptional personalized service.
Is your network is secure? Need someone on the outside to do some vulnerability testing? We can check your firewall, mail server, web site for security holes allowing for a possible security breach. E-mail not flowing properly? We also provide email SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM and DMARC consulting ensuring your mail flows properly without getting caught in SPAM filters.
Whether you simply need technical consulting, setup of a Linux Server, or a complete turn-key real-time Linux solution, Clustered Networks can help you with your Linux / UNIX requirements.
Email is a critical part of your business. You use it to communicate with customers, suppliers and partners on a daily basis for your company to function and to stay profitable. At one time all you required was a mail server at your office, setup a few MX Records and PTR DNS records and your off to the races.
Now you require spam filters, SSL certificates along with other technologies such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) and DMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication). You also have to keep your marketing dept in check so they don't get you into trouble with the RBL's (Spam Black Lists) such as Spamhaus and others.
Over the years we have migrated dozens of Authoritive DNS Servers hosting hundreds of domains to a more stable Anycast DNS platform. As well we have upgraded physical servers to a Virtualized Platform. In addition we have migrated entire Data Centers hosting multiple servers from one city to another, putting our customers mind at ease.
Clustered Networks is an authorized reseller of VMWare products. Virtualization can save you time, money and resources. Call us and let us provide you with the right virtualized environment for your organization.
We are all well aware of the benefits of Firewalls and UTM's. Whether you are looking for an OpenSource solution or an Enterprise Fortigate Firewall, we have them all. We also provide custom setup of site to site VPN or Remote VPN setup consulting.
Tired of the headaches that come with using a Microsoft operating system that is plagued with Virus', freezing screens, ridiculously long reboots after installing updates? We have the solution for you! Upgrade to Ubuntu Linux. We can assist in migrating your office from a Windows environment to Ubuntu Linux. Thousands of companies have already done so. - Like Dropbox, but secure, and 100% private. and Hosted in Canada!
pCloud is the BEST Linux Cloud Storage Provider!
Server Backup at just $7 per month!
HetrixTools offers Free Uptime and Blacklist Monitoring - Clustered Networks Recommended!
Our Recommended VPN Service - Signup for Discount!
Located on Vancouver Island BC Canada, Clustered Networks has been in business since 2001 and has offered Network / Internet and IT Consulting services for over 30 years.