Backup your Webserver with a Script and Cronjob

Bash Shell Script to Backup Webroot on Webserver Performs a full backup of the website document root and creates a tar file for each site. Be sure to edit the configuration options at the beginning of the script to match your environment prior to executing. The end result will be a TAR archive of each website with the name '(current-datestamp)-website-dir-backup-tar.gz'. For Backing up your Website Databases please see our Backup MySQL script.


  1. Pull up a terminal or SSH into the target server.

  2. Logon as root

sudo -i

  1. Download the installer script.


  1. Edit the configuration options at the beginning of the script to match your environment prior to executing.

    DAYS_TO_KEEP=4    # 0 to keep forever
  2. Make the script executable

chmod +x
  1. Run the script.
  1. Setup a cronjob to run the script daily/weekly if you choose.
    1 1   * * * /etc/ >/dev/null 2>&1

Posted in Linux Network Admin Tips, Network Security Tips on Dec 10, 2020