Automated internet programs, or bots, were created for various purposes. Some good, and many not so good. The robots.txt file in the root of your site is basically telling the good bots what they should and should not look for on your website.
Posted in Linux Network Admin Tips, Network Security Tips on Jun 15, 2021
It is known that nearly all hacking attempts on your website or web server is from foreign sources. With the recent attacks on networks such as Colonial Pipeline, Major Meat Packing Plants and numerous Government Agencies and Municpalities, we need to make sure our networks are locked down tightly including our websites and web servers.
Posted in Linux Network Admin Tips, Network Security Tips on Jun 10, 2021
Most of us today love using some sort of Cloud Storage. Should you take a chance at putting your data in the Cloud? or do you feel a bit more secure hosting on your own server? There are lot's of open source options today that make it really easy to host your own dropbox like server and to be able to host it on your own premises.
Posted in Linux Network Admin Tips, Network Security Tips on Jun 03, 2021
The Linux terminal is very powerful tool and should not be overlooked. Basic Linux commands help users execute tasks easily and effectively. With a little practice you will see just how powerful the terminal or command line can be. These are a list of the most common and popular useful linux commands.
Posted in Linux Desktop Tips, Linux Network Admin Tips, Network Security Tips on May 20, 2021
Today more and more people are working from home and do not have access to the Printers and Copiers that they once had at their disposal when working in the office. I have a Black and White Laser printer at home but required a few pages printed in color. I thought I would check out some of the online printing services in my area. I chose to use Staples Copy and Print Services. The results were excellent and the following video will describe to you just how easy it is to use these printing services.
Posted in Libreoffice Tips, Linux Desktop Tips, Marketing on May 20, 2021
Cyber Security and Ransomware Attacks continue to be a big problem for a lot of organizations around the globe and in particular right here in Canada and the USA. These are a few tips we suggest all organizations implement as soon as possible.
Posted in Linux Network Admin Tips, Network Security Tips on May 10, 2021
These are a few tips to help you as you host your ZOOM Virtual Meetings.
Posted in ZOOM Meeting Tips on May 03, 2021
Checking your email flow periodically is very important. You can test your SPF / DKIM and your DMARC settings but the best way is to using the most popular opensouce spam filtering software. Spam Assassin is by far the most popular tool to use to check your spam score. The following video will show you just how easy it is to get your spam score for your domain email or organization email.
Posted in Linux Network Admin Tips, Marketing, Network Security Tips on Apr 23, 2021
In deploying DMARC, your ultimate goal will be to start with a "none" (p=none) policy that only monitors email flow, and then eventually change to a policy to quarantine (p=quarantine) and then reject (p=reject) that will handle all unauthenticated messages properly.
Posted in Linux Network Admin Tips, Network Security Tips on Apr 14, 2021
We at Clustered Networks have just developed and launched a new NMAP Cheatsheet with Examples PWA (Progressive Web App) and we feel it is by far the best NMAP Cheatsheet on the Web today. IT not only describes the various switches that can be used in NMAP, but also give real life examples of how you can use NMAP.
Posted in Announcements, Linux Network Admin Tips, Network Security Tips on Mar 26, 2021